Privacy Policy

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- Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Tokyo Ichiba Foods Co., Ltd. strongly recognizes that personal information recieved from customers as important property and considers that protection of personal information is a social responsibility in business activities, therefore we are carefully handling, using and shareing.Based on these thoughts, we respond to customer’s expectation by properly managing personal information and by using it appropriately according to purpose.we make the following efforts concerning personal information protection.
In dealing with customer’s personal information, we not only obey with the Personal Information Protection Law, other related laws, such as industry guidelines, but also set up our voluntary standards that are much stricter than the law. Rightly all employees have engaged.
About collection of personal information
when you use our website as well as answer our survey and reply our post through appropriate means, we keep your personal information such as name, address, telephone number and birthdate that is identified.
In addition, for the purpose of providing guiding services, products, information, etc. to customers, this privacy policy is also applied with personal information provided by other party site and the third party site
By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.
In addition, personal information to be collected that when we selling and offering products and services to customers, which is limited necessary information. In addition, the personal information include the customer himself / herself, also indirectly acquired through the customer such as the family and the receiver’s address.
About the purpose of use of personal information
Our company uses the collected data for various purposes.
(1) To answer general questions
(2) For the sales propmotion such as service information, sales information and guidance of various special offers.
(3) To be used in marketing surveys involving future product / service planning / development.
(4) For business processing related to sales services.
We will use the personal information only within the scope of the above purpose of policy statement, we will not use beyond the scope.
About sharing of personal information
Our company does not offer customer’s personal information to third persons without getting customer’s consent beforehand except for the following cases.
(1) In case that there were formal cooperation requests from the authority based on decrees in Japan.
(2) In case of urgencies to protect human life and human rights.
About changes and deletions of the personal information.
Our company corrects, updates and deletes data of the personal information our company possessed, when requested so at first hand.
About management of personal information
We strictly operate the criteria for obtaining and using appropriate personal information,and for strictly managing personal information,we formulated personal information protection rules (the flowing referred to as “protection provisions”),we will establish a code of conduct and specific rules to prevent unauthorized access to personal information,the presonal information of loss, destruction, falsification and leakage.
Based on the protection regulations, we improve the organizational structure such as appointing individuals in charge of personal information management in each department to comply with the protection of personal information.
Our company will strictly manage the personal information of its customers. Our company will take necessary and appropriate safety measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access,loss, destruction, , tampering, or unauthorized leakage outside the company by third parties.
We provide education and training on personal information protection to all employees, based on the protection regulations, and we strive to thoroughly notify, and conduct necessary and appropriate supervision so that safety management can be achieved.
Our company may delegate a third party to manage your personal information on our behalf. In such case, we will take reasonable and appropriate measures to ensure that such delegated third party will manage such personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Our company endeavor to keep the content of personal information accurate and up to date.
About link
Our home page includes a link to the outside site, but personal information isn’t shared. Our company can’t take any responsibility for collection of the personal information performed in home pages ahead of the link and, so, it is necessary to confirm it in the sites ahead of the link concerned.
About inquiries
Our company accepts inquiries about a private policy by the following.
Tokyo Ichiban Foods Co., Ltd.
“Adress:Shinjuku Yawaragi Bldg. 4F,
5-6-1, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo, Japan”””